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module menu icon Conditions explained: Heartburn and acid reflux


Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest that may be accompanied by a sour taste in the mouth.

It is caused by the stomach contents travelling up to the oesophagus causing erosion and pain (acid reflux).

If reflux keeps happening, it is called gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD). GORD is sometimes associated with complications such as Barrett's oesophagus, a pre-cancerous condition where there are abnormal cells in the oesophagus.4

Other conditions, such as hiatus hernia (when part of the stomach moves up into the chest), may also cause heartburn, reflux, pain or difficulty when swallowing, bad breath, nausea and bloating.5

Acid reflux can be usually managed with lifestyle changes and OTC medicines.


  1. Lifestyle changes include: losing weight (if appropriate); giving up smoking; eating smaller portion sizes; and not eating within 3-4 hours of going to bed
  2. Reduce trigger foods in the diet such as caffeine, spicy foods, alcohol, fizzy drinks, tomatoes and chocolate
  3. Raise the head of the bed by 1O-2Ocm by putting something underneath the bed or mattress (not just the pillow to lift the head, as this can make it worse)
  4. Review medication use (e.g. NSAIDs)
  5. Take time for relaxation, as anxiety and stress can trigger symptoms
  6. Recommend OTC medicines such as antacids/alginates and acid suppressants