This site is intended for Healthcare Professionals only

When selling VIAGRA CONNECT ® (sildenafil) to a customer, this is an opportunity to provide him with appropriate advice.

In the video above, you were asked to make some notes about what advice you would give to each of the men. First, click on the 'Advice for all men' tab to find out what advice should be given to all men purchasing VIAGRA CONNECT. Then click on each of the cases notes tabs to see if the advice you would give matches what is in each customer's notes.



Provide appropriate information about using VIAGRA CONNECT (see the Pharmacy Checklist). Advise your customer to make an appointment to see his GP within six months of first receiving VIAGRA CONNECT.

General lifestyle advice

You can use this as an opportunity to provide general lifestyle advice, such as eating a healthy diet, keeping active, limiting alcohol consumption, and, if they smoke, considering stopping.


Stress and anxiety

If Adai is showing signs of being overwhelmed and very anxious, you could refer him to his GP or provide him with details of mental health charities, organizations, and support groups where he can get support. You could also discuss the benefits of relaxation techniques, meditation, and mindfulness to help relieve stress and anxiety.

Regular health checks

Erection problems could be an indicator of cardiovascular risk. You could suggest that he has regular blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checks.


Regular health checks

As Ian may have several medical conditions it is important that he has regular blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar checks.

Weight loss

Ian has mentioned losing weight; you could signpost him to a local weight management support group where he can get support and advice.



You could signpost Jeff to useful websites or other resources where he can find out more about erection problems and how to overcome performance anxiety.

Concerns about efficacy

You can advise Jeff that VIAGRA CONNECT won't give him an erection without stimulation and if he isn't sexually aroused.

For most men, VIAGRA CONNECT will work the first or second time they try it. For those who have not been able to have sex for a while, it may take additional attempts to obtain maximum benefit.

Click 'Next' to find out more about how cardiovascular disease (CVD) can be linked to erection problems and to understand the risk factors for developing CVD.