Running Your Business
Next generation Medimat is 'future of automated dispensing'
In Running Your Business
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Medication management and supply chain solution business Omnicell say their new launch next generation Medimat is "the future of retail automated dispensing".
The Medimat is said to bring together cutting edge technology with an in-depth knowledge of pharmacy workflows to support patient safety by automating medicine pack handling, reducing the risk of human dispensing errors, while improving efficiency, freeing up staff to spend more time with customers, and create opportunities for business growth.
Omnicell says the speed of the next generation Medimat has been optimised, with patented suction pads ensuring boxes are not damaged and bottles are not broken during the loading and dispensing process. Inputting nedicines into the Medimat is also claimed to be safter due to a scan station, while a direct mode enables users to have medication available for immediate dispensing.
With an input speed of up to 750 packs per hour, Omnicell’s direct mode is one of the fastest available. The new solution has greater pack capacity than its predecessor and is available with up to 10 metres of conveyor belt. “The speed of the robot will allow for more prescriptions to be processed with a higher level of accuracy, meaning that pharmacists can expand their business safely, efficiently, and profitably,” the company says.
Additional features include a new 'fill in door' for faster input and FMD scanning process, which includes the ability to manage part packs, FlexArea shelves to make storage flexible and adaptable, an ability to manage larger pack dimensions, increasing the number of lines that can be automated, and colour options to match pharmacy branding. As with Omnicell’s previous robotic dispensing system, the next generation Medimat is available in bespoke sizes and configurations suitable for any pharmacy.
Commenting on the benefits of Omnicell’s robotic dispensing solutions, Kevin Murphy, superintendent pharmacist at Wellbeing Pharmacy Group said: “We didn’t have space for a fill-in-box, however Omnicell also offer the option of a Fill-in-Door. It’s really simple to use and doesn’t take up much space - you just stack the boxes on the shelves, close the door and the robot does most of the work. One of the main reasons we invested in automation is to get rid of these repetitive tasks so our skilled staff could spend more time with patients.
“During the Covid pandemic, some of our staff have unfortunately contracted the virus or had to self-isolate or shield so we’ve had times when we have been very low on staff. Without the Omnicell robot we would have struggled to support our patients and stay open.”
Sara Dalmasso, general manager and vice-president of Omnicell International, says: “By enabling pharmacies to save time, money and reduce dispensing errors, the Medimat can help to future-proof a pharmacy business. This exciting new solution provides efficiency, reliability and helps to facilitate a return to more patient-facing care, which are key to retaining and growing a satisfied customer base.”
Omnicell have also unveiled an updated corporate logo.
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