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RPS seeks views on the role of the pharmacist


RPS seeks views on the role of the pharmacist

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society has opened a consultation on how the role of the pharmacist should be defined now and in the future. RPS members, non-members, organisations and members of the public are invited to share their responses to a statement on pharmacists’ role between 8 January and 19 February. 

The statement covers areas such as pharmacists’ scientific training and the importance of building a “strong partnership” with the public. It lists core attributes and qualities pharmacists are expected to demonstrate, including being person-centred and delivering the optimal use of medicines and optimal care.

The RPS commented: “In an environment of increasing public expectations, workforce pressures, and significant scientific and technological advances, it is important for the pharmacy profession to define its aspirations as to the role of the pharmacist, now and in the future. By defining the contribution of pharmacists not only to the healthcare team but more widely we can also reaffirm our commitment to patients and public.

“The pharmacy profession is varied and pharmacists undertake diverse roles, some patient facing, some non-patient facing, which may also encompass research, teaching, leadership, business development and management. Therefore it is important from the outset to be clear about what core attributes and abilities are unique to our profession.”

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