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Pharmacy contributes £3bn in value, report finds


Pharmacy contributes £3bn in value, report finds

A PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report commissioned by PSNC has found that in 2015 community pharmacies contributed £3 billion to the NHS, the public sector, patients and wider society in England – all through just 12 of the services the sector provides.

On this analysis, the social value of the 12 services examined is such that during this period community pharmacy effectively repaid the £2.8 billion it received in DH funding. This means that any other benefits provided by the sector – e.g. benefits to society and patients, or the knock-on health benefits of the 12 services analysed – represent additional net benefits with no cost to the exchequer.

PSNC commissioned the report following Government proposals to reduce community pharmacy funding by six per cent. Many have commented on the fact that traditionally it has been difficult to document the work carried out in pharmacy, and on the danger of its value being ignored by the NHS as a result.

The services analysed in the report include minor ailments, EHC provision, supervised consumption, delivering prescriptions and handling drug shortages. Pharmacies made over 150 million interventions through these services in 2015, delivering a value of £3 billion – more than £250,000 per pharmacy – with a further £1.9 billion expected to accrue over the next 20 years.

PSNC chief executive Sue Sharpe said: “PwC’s research shows that community pharmacies punch above their weight in terms of economic value. This is the evidence ministers need to make the case for continued investment in community pharmacies, developing these services even further to bring additional benefits to the NHS and wider society. We look forward to working with ministers to help them consider the implications of the research.”

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