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Health organisations team up to encourage lifestyle changes


Health organisations team up to encourage lifestyle changes

As many of us adopt resolutions to lead a healthier life in 2017, leading health organisations Heart Research UK and the National Obesity Forum are teaming up to ask people in the UK to make small, sustainable changes to their lifestyle. 

The National Obesity Forum is launching its JanUary campaign with Heart Research UK as lead charity supporter. The initiative, which runs from 9-15 January, will feature a range of high profile events, activities and promotions to promote healthy living. You can follow the campaign on Twitter via #dosomethinggoodforU

The campaign encourages people to set a goal that really matters to them, such as losing weight, exercising, giving up cigarettes or establishing a better work-life balance. There are tips to help people keep on track, including keeping costs down, monitoring their progress and recognising that failure can be part of the journey.

Heart Research UK has also launched its ‘Give up, Take up’ campaign to help people adopt heart-healthy resolutions for 50 days. People are encouraged to give up a harmful habit and take up a healthier one, with suggested pledges including ‘Give up smoking and take up knitting’ and ‘Give up being inactive and take up a sporting challenge’.

Heart Research UK lifestyle officer spoke about how people might work this into their daily lives: “There are many ways people can get active to improve their heart health and mental wellbeing too. Heart Research UK offers many take up challenges, e.g. use your lunch break to swim the distance of the channel, walk a marathon, or even complete a triathlon.”

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