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CPPE launches six-week challenge on polypharmacy


CPPE launches six-week challenge on polypharmacy

Polypharmacy is the focus of a learning campaign launched by The Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE). The initiative asks pharmacists to complete six small, bite-sized challenges over six weeks this spring, to get them thinking about ways they can help to identify, prevent and resolve medicine-related problems.

“Polypharmacy is such an important issue. The CPPE learning materials will help pharmacy teams to see how they can contribute to supporting patients taking multiple medicines, and take a patient-centred approach to manage and prevent polypharmacy,” said Layla Fattah, senior pharmacist, learning development at CPPE.

The six weekly challenges are:

1. Start at home – talk to someone about how taking multiple medicines impacts their life. Identify one priority issue you could tackle

2. Test your knowledge – take the e-challenge quiz on all things polypharmacy. Work with your colleagues or on your own

3. Develop your learning – use the polypharmacy distance learning to get your team engaged and develop your learning

4. Share good practice – have an informal chat with other healthcare professionals about tackling the issues of polypharmacy. Join the Polypharmacy @WePharmacists Twitter chat at 8:00pm on 7 April; use the hashtag #polypharmacy to join in the discussions

5. Engage your team – design a leaflet to advise people what to do if they are struggling with multiple medicines. Share your leaflet designs on Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #polypharmacy and tag @cppeengland

6. Make a pledge – from your learning, choose one key issue that you can pledge to address to help make a difference for people taking multiple medicines. Make your pledge on the CPPE website.

Pharmacy professionals will also have the chance to work towards earning a virtual badge, to recognise the achievement of completing all six challenges in the campaign. The badge will be displayed on the Badges collection page on the My CPPE section of the website with the chance to earn additional badges in the future.

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