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April in numbers


April in numbers


In 2013-14, 14.9 per cent of all A&E attendees were aged between 65 and 84 years of age, according to the Health and Social Care Information Centre. The NHS Confederation has launched a commission to drive improvement in urgent and emergency care for older people in and out of hospitals


A survey on health and relationships from charity Relate found that 51 per cent of people with a lifelimiting health problem received professional support that took relationships into account effectively. The link between relationships and health is too often ignored, says the charity.


NHS England’s business plan for the year ahead names 10 priorities. The top five: access to better cancer treatment; better mental health and dementia services; better care for people with learning disabilities; tackling obesity and preventing diabetes; redesign of urgent and emergency care.


A survey of health and social care leaders by Nuffield Trust found that 77 per cent thought ensuring adequate health and social care funding was one of the biggest challenges for the incoming government following next month’s general election.

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