Record demands on health and social care are putting the NHS under tremendous pressure and NHS resources are becoming stretched to a point that is unsustainable.
Community pharmacy’s role in public health has long been recognised. Community pharmacies have a high footfall and attract a wide range of people. Unlike other parts of the NHS, community pharmacies are visited by people who are in good health as well as people who consider themselves to be ill. The incorporation of Healthy Living Pharmacy into the Quality Payment Scheme within the contractual framework was an initial step in formalising this role in England. Community pharmacy’s prospective contribution to the public health work of the new primary care networks has already been highlighted as part of the NHS Long Term Plan.
The expectation now is of a ramped up effort. Putting up posters and leaving out a few leaflets is not sufficient. A coordinated and planned approach is needed to ensure that the impact of community pharmacies in public health is maximised.