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A meeting of equals: get the most out of team discussions

How can you plan meetings effectively for the greatest benefit?

Business meetings are an invaluable way of discussing progress and solving problems in a pharmacy. But with time a precious commodity, how can you plan meetings effectively for the greatest benefit? 

After reading this module, you will be able to:

  • Understand how to plan an effective meeting, and run it to achieve quality results
  • Identify how your team can get the most out of a meeting, and participate effectively
  • Reflect on your current meeting style and understand how you can improve meetings and meeting participant behaviour
  • Reflect on running the perfect team meeting, which could form a CPD entry as part of your next revalidation.

A well-functioning team will spend time together to discuss progress, make decisions and problem solve. With time often being a precious commodity, it’s important that team meetings are planned effectively and run smoothly to achieve the greatest benefit.

For a meeting to be effective, it needs to be structured appropriately – and that doesn’t just mean providing a time and a venue. Objectives, timings and an agenda will all help to make sure that a meeting accomplishes its purpose in a timely manner.

At the end of an effective meeting, the objectives will have been met in the minimum amount of time needed. Attendees will be satisfied with how the meeting went and that their contributions have been recognised.

Done well, meetings will be times that people value. They will have energy as well as purpose, as they are opportunities to motivate and inspire collaborative working. It can be difficult to run the perfect team meeting without proper preparation beforehand. Spending time preparing and planning will ensure that a meeting is executed effectively.

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